Our Vision
for the Trail
The Great Shasta Rail Trail Association is working to develop 80 miles of rail-trail in Northern California between McCloud and Burney.
Our Mission
The Great Shasta Rail Trail will link the communities of McCloud and Burney with a historic and scenic corridor, providing recreational and stewardship opportunities which will enhance the economic, environmental and social vitality of the region.
The goals of this project are:
Provide year around recreation opportunities for hikers, bicyclists, equestrians, skiers, and other non-motorized uses
Promote awareness, appreciation, and protection of natural, scenic, cultural, and historic resources and promote community involvement in their protection and care
Incorporate trail designs that mimic the natural, historic, and cultural environment along the trail and promote local stewardship
Promote healthy lifestyles through exercise, interpretation and education, and trail stewardship activities
Feature a well-maintained primary trail within the railroad right-of-way
Incorporate safe and easy access from local communities and connections to nearby major recreation areas on adjacent public land
Stimulate local recreation that can boost economic opportunities linked to the uniqueness of the area – its environment, culture, heritage, people, and history.